Christ’s victory for all
I think heaven will have a lot of surprises for many. Some of us will find people in heaven that we did not expect w/ our small minded reasoning.
I’m no preaching a message of all inclusion but i know for a fact that God looks at the heart of many & that he is gracious.
Sin & death entered the world through one. By default all humans are born w/ a sinful nature. Nothing of their own doing just a birth defect caused by Adam.
“For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.”
Romans 5:19 NIV
Romans 5:19 says it best. I believe strongly we may find in heaven – muslims, hindus, budhists, catholics, mormons etc Who may not have received Jesus as their personal savior but rather tried to do right by following the faith they had been exposed to.
I have found non-christians who are kinder & more considerate than believers. God has given every human a conscience , which tells them right from wrong.
Our warped view of righteousness & maybe different from what God expects.
““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.”
Isaiah 55:8 NIV
Rahab the prostitute was considered righteous because she hid the jewish spies.
The thief who hang w/ Jesus ended up in heaven because he asked Jesus to remember him
Abraham was considered father of faith because he believed God
Jesus was the blameless lamb that was not only human but God as well. If he died on the cross for all humans, that one act will save more people than adam’s act of disobedience condemned. After all Adam was just a man like us & his one act caused condemnation for many. Imagine what one act of righteousness by a human & God will do for many? Jesus’ act has to outweigh the act by Adam. More people will be saved than were condemned.