He Watches Over his Word to Perform it

A Church Committed to Changing Lives for Jesus!

He Watches Over his Word to Perform it

Dear friends,

Have you ever made a promise and then forgot about it? Maybe you intended to follow through with it, but life got in the way and it slipped your mind. We are all guilty of this at some point in our lives. But let me tell you about someone who never forgets His promises.

In Jeremiah 1:12, God declares, “I am watching over my word to perform it.” What does this mean? It means that God is actively involved in ensuring that His promises come to fruition. He doesn’t just make promises and forget about them. He is always working behind the scenes to make sure that His word is fulfilled.

When God promises something, we can be sure that it will happen. He is not like us, who may forget or change our minds. He is faithful and true to His word. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of God fulfilling His promises. For example, God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations, and this promise was fulfilled through his descendants, including Jesus Christ.

So what does this mean for us? It means that we can trust God’s promises. We can hold onto them with confidence, knowing that He will bring them to pass. It also means that we have a responsibility to believe and act on His promises. We cannot just sit back and wait for them to happen. We must have faith and take action, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

In conclusion, let us remember that God watches over His word to perform it. He is faithful and true to His promises, and we can trust Him to bring them to fruition. Let us have faith and take action, knowing that God is with us always. May we find comfort and strength in the knowledge that our God is a promise-keeper. Amen

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